At Novatug we believe that the CARROUSEL RAVE TUG (CRT) is the best solution available to maintain an efficient flow in the global maritime transport chain. Our technology is at heart based on the forces of nature. Which means that the CRT can perform unique and highly effective maneuvers, concerning braking and steering mega ships. Without any capsizing risk.

Bow spring maneuvers

Positioned at the bow of a vessel the CARROUSEL RAVE TUG can brake and steer a ship of any size. In this way the CRT is able to maneuver a seagoing mega ship through a navigation channel or in the direction of a berth. The CRT has a quick reaction, which means a lot of time is gained. In turn, this is a plus for the assistance.

Aft tug braking

Looking at this maneuver, you see that the CARROUSEL RAVE TUG is dragged as a floating anchor with very low engine power input. And it’s still effective, in contrary to any other market alternative. With this maneuver – aft tug braking – the CRT can optimally serve ships with the highest possible effectiveness.

Aft tug braking

Looking at this maneuver, you see that the CARROUSEL RAVE TUG is dragged as a floating anchor with very low engine power input. And it’s still effective, in contrary to any other market alternative. With this maneuver – aft tug braking – the CRT can optimally serve ships with the highest possible effectiveness.